Thursday 17 September 2009

Guard posted at the patio door.

As it's all his parents can do to keep up with his near-constant need for feeding, burping, diaper-changing, cuddling, etc., Emmett's dad thought it time for the kid to pitch in and help around the house. Emmett's first official chore is to defend the premises from unwanted intruders from the order Rodentia.

Hey, if you were a squirrel, and only a thin mesh of screen separated you from obliteration by a baby with a loaded water gun, wouldn't you be afraid?

1 comment:

Sue Bragg said...

Hi Jeff-y!

Awesome job on this blog! I laughed so hard I had to take a break during the read. I'm so pleased to have "met" Emmett and look forward to more updates. Hopefully I can meet him in person some day soon.

Take care, Sue Bragg (nee Caughill)