Tuesday 24 July 2012


Building on his prior experience of keeping the squirrel population in check, Emmettilius stranmccannii turns his predatory attention to Lepus townsendii.  When unable to make a kill, E. stranmccannii settles for hazing the living crap out of one particular specimen.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Sprinkler-soaked drug deal in the backyard

Nothing helps celebrate Life Without Diapers like a generous hit of crack.

Monday 9 July 2012

We gotta get outta this place

At the Stampede, 4 midway coupons gets you a ride on a helicopter.

For an extra 10 coupons, you can sit with your mom on the full-sized version.

Add 2 more coupons, and they let you point a 7mm GPMG at an unsuspecting tourist.

Sunday 8 July 2012

At the Stampede, where the sun don't shine

When one loses one's keys at the Stampede grounds, it is essential to look everywhere for them.


Friday 6 July 2012

Stampede 2012 - 100 years and counting

"Emmett, did you like the Parade?"
"What was your favourite part?"
"I like the firetrucks and the cleaners! I LOOOOVE the firetrucks and the street cleaners!"
(And yes, just to clarify, Emmett is referring to the street cleaners who follow the horses, cleaning up their poo).

Pancake Breakfast with the University of Waterloo Alumni

Keeping a two year old entertained for two hours while waiting for the parade to start is no easy feat...

Stampede Caesar. Yes, that is bacon. No, Emmett's parents did not quaff these back at 9 in the morning.
StranMcCann at the end of the parade. Which cowboy is just a littttle tired?

Monday 2 July 2012

Canada Day Potty Training 2012

A most "memorable" Canada Day weekend was had by StranMcCann. Taking advantage of three days off work, Emmett's Mom and Dad decided to use the long weekend to blitz potty training with Emmett. What a weekend. It certainly pales in comparison to Canada Day's gone by [insert sarcasm here], when they used to bike and hike in the mountains and stay up late to watch fireworks. This year, they were chained to the potty, asking Emmett to "Tell us when you have to use the potty, right?"

Canada Day 2010 - Jasper Parade
Canada Day 2011 - on the beach with cousins in Kelowna

Canada Day 2012 - Housebound with his parents...
...and his big boy underwear.
 Fortunately, and to the delight of his parents, Emmett caught on quickly, and will head off to daycare showered in praise, bursting with big boy pride and clean underwear.
(As much as they wanted to, his parents have refrained from putting the photo of Emmett's first turd-in-the-potty online. An online turd would probably come back to haunt them, in thousands of dollars of therapy when he is 21).