Sunday 31 October 2010

Much too gross anatomy

On the eve of Halloween, Emmett exhibits an early aversion to pumpkin guts. That pretty much rules out a career in cardiothoracic surgery.

Neurological reconstruction, however, remains a possibility.

Wednesday 27 October 2010

The comb is mightier than the tuque

Having never had a haircut, Emmett's hairdo on any given day might be described as 'cheveux chaotique'.

Following a daycare drop-off with his usual foofy-do Emmett magically appears in his first-ever school photos, much to his parents' dismay, with moron Crisco head.

Thanks to Bill Watterson for some of his best work. Faithful old Calvin & Hobbes fans, check out the full Crisco hair sequence. Amazing how this stuff just doesn't get old.

Monday 25 October 2010

StranMcCann Shop of Horrors

Short list of potential 2010 Halloween costumes for Emmett:

1. Inflating-head Oenophile

2. Dwarf/Hobbit Hybrid

3. Pediatric Eye Infection (parents hide your children)

4. Blood-smeared Zombie*

* Smearing of blood may cause eye irritation. See costume option #3.

Sunday 24 October 2010

Uncle Colin saves the Bow watershed

Uncle Colin is in the water business. Having seen a couple of Emmett's previous bath shots, he points out the size disparity between a big soaker tub and Emmett's wee behind. One shiny new Rubbermaid bin later, Emmett's daily bathwater consumption is cut in half.

StranMcCann. Proudly tree hugging and fish kissing since 2005.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Two dogs, one bone

Emmett and his dad engage in a snarling match over an unseen cupcake. A battle for the ages is shaping up until Emmett gets hung up on a fragment of protoplasm, and ultimately the judges score it a draw.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

What lurks in a turkey

Despite an initially poor placement of the turkey platter at the Thanksgiving dinner table, Emmett ultimately did get his fill of tryptophan, had a good night's sleep, and banked sufficient energy for a hike in the mountains and his first attempt at throwing stones into a river. First attempt, not first successful attempt.

Sunday 10 October 2010

More than one way to crack a rib

Emmett loves this game.

Now, he has a better understanding of the associated risks.

And so does his dad.

(for Gramma)

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Mister, Mister, Mister Bubbles

Almost as impressive as Emmett's self-taught bathtub bubble blowing is his dad's unintentional success at maintaining the 'G' rating of this blog.

Saturday 2 October 2010

Leaf well enough alone

Emmett is underwhelmed by his first session of playing in fallen leaves, so he opts instead to help his dad with fall clean-up.

Unfamiliar with the concept of 'gone in 60 seconds', Emmett fails to make off with a neighbour's bike carelessly locked to a signpost. He nonetheless manages to roll the bike for parts and makes off with a front fender, bottle cage, and left pedal. Ooh, and a wicked grease stain as he learns the pitfalls of trying to steal a bike chain.