Monday 20 June 2011

A Father's Day to remember

The day started bright and early. Too early in fact, after several nightime wakings and an early wakeup call from Emmett's bedroom. Poor guy has had some tummy trouble and a sick bum since Friday. Though it appeared he was on the mend, he produced some pretty scary sounds, smells and diapers over the weekend. But that did not stop him from donning his Father's Day t-shirt and joining his dad for the annual Father's Day run for Prostate Cancer.

And no, the irony of the phrase on the back of the shirt "This run's for you" was not lost on his parents.

Emmett and his Dad made it through the run with no incidents. In fact, Emmett fell asleep, and they all returned home to discover a clean diaper. No explosions, no mess, a completely dry, clean diaper.

Wait a second...

Concerned he might be dehydrated, Emmett's Mom called HealthLink, where a nurse firmly recommended that they go to the urgent care clinic immediately, as Emmett was showing signs of dehydration. They trundled off to the clinic, and waited. And waited. And waited. Contrary to it's name, urgent care has nothing urgent about it, at least for a 21 month old with some signs of dehydration. So Emmett decided to take matters into his own hands, and crashed into the corner of a table. That got their attention pretty darn quick.

Unfortunately, it didn't get them to the front of the line, so 5 hours later, they saw a doctor, and headed home, with a prescription for popsicles and applesauce. And a nice shiny bruise...his very first.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

The best parts of the day

During a particularly crummy year, Emmett finds a way to make his parents smile on a regular basis. He doesn't say much, but first thing in the morning, he endears them with his "Oh-low", "Oh-low's" (translation, "Hello").

But end of day is even better. Each day, every day, when they arrive to pick Emmett up, he greets them with this reaction...

Imagine if your co-workers/spouse/friends greeted you like this? Truly, the best part of the day.

Monday 6 June 2011

Up for sale

Poor Emmett doesn't know what's hit him. Or his playroom. Once upon a time, he had free reign over the entire house, earning himself the nickname of "Destructo Man" (which was first coined by his friends Myles and Sophie H.)

With their condo up for sale, his toys have been tucked away, forts disassembled, and "Destructo Man" has been stopped in his tracks. He runs into the living room each morning, and stops, puzzled, at the vacant space once occupied by toys.
Keeping a condo 'show ready' is exhausting with an almost two year old.

Fortunately, there are lots of neighbourhood playgrounds Emmett can wreck havoc at. Which he does, on a regular basis, when potential buyers come through.

(Oh, and p.s. Emmett's parents have a great condo for sale, if you know someone who is looking).