Tuesday 29 June 2010

Hanging out in the front yard

Trying to cultivate an early love of composting and playing in the garden, Emmett's dad takes Emmett out into the front yard to explore. Unfortunately, Emmett has some reservations about the prickly nature of a chemical-free lawn.

Upon discovering a leaf in the garden, however, he decides to give the yard a second chance.

(footnote: Emmett's dad is fairly sure of the random nature of Emmett's words at this age, while Emmett's mom is convinced that Emmett meant what he said)

Later that same day, Emmett dons his muscle shirt for his daily workout. Emmett uses crawling as weight-bearing exercise to tone his triceps, biceps, and thunder thighs (including the fast-twitch muscles particularly useful when making a dash for an unattended camera). With long summer days ahead at the playground and on the beach, he wants to make sure he's lookin' good for the ladies.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Emmettremor too

Today's earthquake in southern Quebec was sufficiently powerful to be felt at Emmett's grandparents' house over 400 km from the epicentre. Damage in eastern Canada was less than it might have been were it not for a 20 pound baby, as he has in the past, diligently absorbing seismic energy three provinces to the west.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

The games we play

Simple things entertain Emmett. An empty ice cream bucket, a stack of blocks, the remote control. In the past nine months, he has invented a number of games for his parents to enjoy with him. These include:
"Naked-baby-flying-through-the-air", (just before bathtime each night)
"Where's Emmett? Take-the-blanket-off-my-head",
and his new favourite, "Pass-the-block-back-and-forth".
Patent pending.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Like father, like son?

Emmett's dad, circa November 1972, approx 9 months old.

Emmett, circa June 2010, approx 9 months old.

Emmett and his dad, at the Father's Day 5km run for prostate cancer, circa June 20th, 2010.

Friday 18 June 2010

Left hand, right knee, right hand, left knee

After months of pushing himself backward, dragging himself forward, and getting his leg stuck underneath him, Emmett manages to get himself up on all fours and make his first crawl, much to his mother's astonishment, delight and horror. Hard to say whether hardwood is a help or a hindrance, but the lure of knocking down blocks is difficult to resist.

Coordinating his left hand, right knee, right hand, left knee is still a challenge, but it won't be long until he's able to grab his watergun and chase the squirrels away. His parents high five that.

Sunday 13 June 2010

Babies in big boots

These photos of Emmett's Uncle Blair were taken by Emmett's dad in January and March, 1980.

This photo of Emmett was taken by Emmett's dad in April 2010.

Hard to say what's most noteworthy: two generations of the baby-in-adult-boots gag, the evolution of jolly jumper technology from 1980 to 2010, or the extent to which Emmett's dad realizes how much he doesn't miss his old Cougar boots.

Saturday 12 June 2010

Nine months old

Tar blobs as big as pancakes reach Alabama shores. The FIFA world cup gets started in South Africa. Gramma and Poppa arrive for a visit. The Lotto Max jackpot is at $50 million. And Emmett celebrates his nine month birthday. Hard to believe he has now been out in the world longer than in the womb.

He celebrated by going on a hike with his Gramma and his mom in the mountains, followed by drinks in the gold seats at Evelyn's.

Perfect place for people watching, and to recover from the treacherous canyon hugging trails Gramma took him on.

Thursday 3 June 2010

Cyclist or cowboy?

Eager to launch his cycling career, Emmett dragged his parents out for a ride on the long weekend. They secured his stroller to the back of his dad's bike, plunked a helmet on Emmett's head, and hit the trails for a leisurely ride around the city.

His parents were excited to tow him around and were certain that Emmett would be fall in love with "cycling". Maybe he would even go pro.
Emmett's career as a cowboy looks a little more promising.