Thursday 28 April 2011

Green Onion

Emmett provides a clue into the source of his chronic bad breath.

Monday 25 April 2011

Lowering the boom at Boom Lake

On a late-season ski into Boom Lake, Emmett sets the tone for the outing by rolling his chariot into a tree well. Twice. He emerges unscathed.

His mom, on the other hand, rolls her knee into a sun-softened drift and emerges Lady Limps-a-lot with a second degree MCL strain. Emmett's dad, fearing the wrath of Emmett's mom, opts to waive his option to photograph the event.

What better opportunity, though, to share photographic evidence of Uncle Blair's spectacular 2003 crash... ironically, at the exact same spot on the exact same trail.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Recurring snowflakiness

A snowy spring continues to hamper Emmett's fun in the playground.

His dad attempts to use the snow to his advantage and, in spite of a persistent brake problem, Emmett demonstrates an epic inability to curb his enthusiasm.

Sunday 10 April 2011

Kisses for Nana

In anticipation of a trip to see his sick Nana, with the help of a bowl of applesauce Emmett and his dad rehearse Emmett's kissing technique.

Emmett got the chance to squeeze in a few precious Nana kisses but, sadly, Nana lost her battle with cancer. Everyone misses her. A lot.

Emmett's parents believe that Heaven has internet access (with a data transfer rate of, like, a gazillion Mbps), so the stranmccann posts will continue. They have to. Nana was one of the main reasons this blog was created, and unconfirmed reports suggest that she checked it 5 to 6 times a day. Who's to say that won't continue?

So, Nana, we thought you might be interested in an outtake from one of Emmett's earlier kiss rehearsal sessions. Thank goodness for experimentation and the discontinuation of unsuccessful trials. This kiss was not Nana-worthy, and was a reaction befitting a child who has just kissed weird, mustachioed, non-bathing, 2-packs-a-day, gingivitic Great Uncle Herb.