Thursday 30 September 2010

Welcome to Stransgaard

Emmett and his folks flew east last weekend for the occasion of Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Blair's wedding.

Seeking to not steal the limelight with his oft-underestimated celebrity (not to mention his snappy tie), Emmett absconds with Uncle Blair's glasses and successfully navigates the event incognito.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

9.8 metres per second squared

First ascent up the stairs.

Video footage of the first descent down the stairs is unfortunately not available, as gravity tends to accelerate at a rate slightly higher than the speed at which Emmett's dad can grab the camera.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Sunday 12 September 2010


(Not to be confused with immolation. That's something different.)

Saturday 11 September 2010

365 days later

Emmett celebrates the end of his first full circuit around the sun with a splashy introduction to refined sugar. He also uses the accompanying media attention to showcase his revolutionary new guilt-free technique for eating birthday cupcakes: Grip cake firmly, extract chocolate juice, discard husk. Zero sugar, zero calories, all taste.

Friday 3 September 2010

Emmett's first 'report' card

Emmett has survived his first week of daycare. In fact, Emmett appears to be unfazed by the change, and barely says goodbye to his dad in the morning before crawling off to play with his new friends Kingston, Hugo, Cate, Katherine and Nolan. Emmett's mom has survived her first week back to work (barely). Unlike Emmett, she is a bit stunned and incoherent back in the land of adults. Fortunately, her boss does not give out daily reports like the caregivers at daycare do.

(and yes, she was insanely jealous to discover that Emmett got a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch on his first day).

It seems Emmett has learned a few new tricks from his new daycare pals, including how to style his own hair...

use the toilet...

and how to transfer blocks from one place to another.

If only they could teach him how to wipe his own nose.