Monday 25 January 2010

Otrivin can't help you now

A lazy Saturday morning sing-along turns tragic as Emmett discovers his mom's nose.

Saturday 23 January 2010

International fugitive manhunt

Should Emmett see fit to pull some funny stuff on an international flight in the next three years, it's a safe bet that it will be his passport photo (taken in October) that will find its way onto CSIS, CIA, and INTERPOL watch lists, not to mention the 6:00 news.

But here's a sneak preview.

Thanks to Emmett's friend Kate for the idea. ;)

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Emmett lights a fire under his parents

Emmett decided it was time to drum up some Olympic spirit, so he packed his mom and dad into the car for the early-morning arrival of the torch at the Olympic Oval.

Emmett's parents were beside themselves with excitement about a fly-by by the Canadian speedskating team (pretty sure that's Cindy Klassen in the middle)...

...but not as excited as Emmett was to EMSalute the Olympic torch.

Sunday 17 January 2010

Fresh-baked brownies

With last week's headlines dominated by bad news, Emmett took the time to conjure up some material to start this week on a positive note.

Who doesn't like a good belly laugh on a Monday morning?

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Emmett takes his mom for a walk

The chinook winds blew in some beautiful weather, and so Emmett dragged his mom out for a walk in the sun. Unfortunately, warm temperatures, while they give a reprieve from winter, also result in extremely slushy side streets and sidewalks. Emmett's mom introduced him to the term 'soaker' when her left foot landed square in a curbside puddle as she crossed the street.

Monday 11 January 2010

Four months old

The "balloon boy" father begins his 90 day jail sentence today. The Olympic torch continues it's trek across Canada, and is due in town next week. Canada Post increases the price of stamps, from 54 cents to 57 cents. The Barenaked Ladies and Bart Simpson celebrate their 20th anniversary. Weibo Ludwig 'helps' the RCMP with their gasline bombing investigation. And Emmett turns four months old.

Emmett continues to favour sucking his hands over playing with his toys. However, he has recently discovered books, and is teaching himself how to read.

Emmett's mom had to break the news that he will be getting his four month vaccinations tomorrow. Emmett, once again, was not very excited at the thought of those shots.

Thursday 7 January 2010

Just hanging with his mom

Emmett discovered he has hands in recent weeks. They provide hours of endless entertainment, as he sucks and grabs his fingers, and swats random objects. No matter what stimulating toys Emmett's parents put in front of him, hands down, his digits are preferred.

He has also enjoys just hanging out with his mom. Yesterday afternoon, they sung songs together, with Emmett's mom providing the lead vocals...

...and Emmett singing bass...

Tuesday 5 January 2010

When I think about you, I punch myself

Emmett's parents worried about his new habit of using his abdomen as a punching bag... until they realized that his spleen and other assorted vital organs appear to be safely out of reach of his devastating right hook.

Monday 4 January 2010

Emmett sniffs some salty snacks

Emmett's parents picked up a cold over Christmas, and by New Year's they had passed it along to Emmett. With advice from a HealthLink nurse, and assistance from Auntie Clare, they irrigated the little guy's nasal passages with sterilized saline solution.

"Gross!" everyone says.

Everyone, that is, except Emmett.