Friday 9 May 2014

Seven months old

StatsCan reports that Canada lost 29,000 jobs in April. The Ukraine crisis continues, with Pro-Russian insurgency to hold vote on autonomy. Farley Mowat, one of the elder statesmen of Canadian literature, a trickster, a ferocious imp with a silver pen, an ardent environmentalist and a passionate polemicist who blurred the lines between fiction and facts to dramatize his cause, died earlier this week, five days short of his 93rd birthday. It's day 57 of Clara's Big Ride, and Olympian Clara Hughes will be biking from Eagle Plains to Engineer Creek in her attempt to end the stigma of mental illness. And Oscar celebrates his seven month birthday.


His seven month tricks include sitting up by himself, sleeping through the night on an almost regular basis, making "ma ma" and "da da" sounds, blowing raspberries, sticking out his tongue and grasping things with his hands and fingers. He hasn't yet mastered the art of rolling over, and still hates tummy time.

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