Wednesday 9 April 2014

Six months old

The Quebec Liberals win a majority government. An Australian ship detected two distinct, long-lasting sounds underwater that are consistent with the pings from aircraft black boxes in a major break in the month-long hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet, and the multinational search continues. The "Heartbleed bug" prompts a Revenue Canada shutdown. The Ultimate Warrior, the retired U.S. professional wrestler who just days ago was inducted into the WWE hall of fame, dies at the age of 54. And Oscar celebrates his six month birthday.

On this milestone birthday...
  • He has expanded his food repertoire and has tried a variety of pureed products, including rice cereal, bananas, green peas, chicken thighs, avocado, oatmeal, applesauce and chickpeas. The chickpeas did not go so well.
  • He does not sleep through the night, BUT he is going longer stretches and is only getting up once, sometimes not at all.
  • He is a thumbsucker, unlike his big brother. Oscar LOVES his thumb.
  • He waves his arms madly and excitedly when he says goodbye to Daddy in the morning - the best part of Daddy's day.
  • Even though most of his 182 days on earth have been spent with his Mom, his first words/sounds are "Dadadadadadadadada" (much to Mommy's chagrin)

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