Wednesday 15 May 2013

Where has the time gone?

An active three and a half year old, two working parents, and an evening obsession with their iPhones means the blog has been neglected for the past two months! Below, a random selection of what StranMcCann has been up to since the last post back on March 6th...

 A visit from Gramma and Poppa in early March, complete with a trip to the BIG ROCK just south of the city. (The BIG ROCK travelled down from Jasper on a glacier, and inspired the name for the BIG ROCK Brewery).
Time with cousins when Uncle John, Laura and Erin came out during March Break for a ski holiday.

 Easter egg Hunt. Nuff said. We are still eating Jelly by one. Fortunately, Emmett has forgotten about them.

And that takes us to the end of March...stay tuned for an April update.

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