Friday 6 July 2012

Stampede 2012 - 100 years and counting

"Emmett, did you like the Parade?"
"What was your favourite part?"
"I like the firetrucks and the cleaners! I LOOOOVE the firetrucks and the street cleaners!"
(And yes, just to clarify, Emmett is referring to the street cleaners who follow the horses, cleaning up their poo).

Pancake Breakfast with the University of Waterloo Alumni

Keeping a two year old entertained for two hours while waiting for the parade to start is no easy feat...

Stampede Caesar. Yes, that is bacon. No, Emmett's parents did not quaff these back at 9 in the morning.
StranMcCann at the end of the parade. Which cowboy is just a littttle tired?

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