Wednesday 25 August 2010

Hi ho, hi ho...'s back to work she goes. With her suits a little tight and a babe up at night, hi ho, it's back to work she goes.

Today marks the last day of maternity leave for Emmett's mom.

In order to help her cope with the transition, Emmett planned an action packed day for his mom. He sent her off to get a latte first thing in the morning, followed by some retail therapy at MEC while he was at the daycare for an hour. Lunch was at Rocky's with Auntie Clare,

followed by one of their long walks around the neighbourhood, stopping at the grocery store, the playground, and of course, the swings.

Emmett has made some new friends at daycare, and appears to be unfazed by the latest transition.

Until he realized that someone else would be changing his diaper and wiping his bum.

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