Friday 11 December 2009

Growth spurt

Today marks Emmett's three month birthday. Based on his insatiable appetite, his parents figure he's going through a growth spurt. As a result, they are more sleep deprived than usual. So today, they're only capable of putting up a random assortment of photos to keep the Grandmas happy...

Winter is in full force in Calgary, with temperatures expected to drop to -28 this weekend. Bring on the snowsuit...

There are few pictures of Emmett's dad when he was a baby, so his parents can't compare baby photos. But it's pretty clear who Emmett looks like...

Emmett made some new friends this week at his Mommy and Baby class. He showed a clear affinity for the ladies -- this shot narrowly missed an attempt by Emmett to hold hands with the girls to his left and right. And of course, nothing is more appealing to a woman than a man wearing an outfit saturated with his own spit-up...

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